jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2009

Cruz Roja de Las Palmas con IWEEE 2010

Cruz Roja Española, a través de su Presidente de Comité Provincial, don Juan Campos Pineda, ha decidido participar en el Congreso IWEEE 2010.
La magnífica labor humanitaria que desarrolla esta Institución en la Provincia les hace acreedores de encendidos elogios y admiraciones.
Entre sus logros recientes está la apertura del Centro Logístico en el Muelle de Las Palmas, desde donde se coordinan las asistencias más perentorias en todo su ámbito territorial.
Don Juan Campos, invita a los asistentes de IWEEE 2010 a conocer sus instalaciones concertando una cita previa al teléfono 928-279898 o a través de la Oficina Central en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 928-290000, www.cruzroja.es
Su aportación directa viene representada por la presencia de un ponente para versar sobre la labor de la Institución en las áreas deprimidas.

Acuerdo con la ULPGC para sus alumnos

IWEEE2010 ha llegado a un acuerdo con el Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, para dar un respaldo académico al Congreso. Para ello y con la colaboración de los Decanos de las Facultades de Medicina, Enfermería, Fisioterapia, Informática e Ingeniería, se ha creado un cupo reducido para CIEN alumnos de estas Facultades quienes gozarán de unas condiciones diferenciadas que se detallan a continuación:
Número total de plazas limitadas para este cupo especial : CIEN
Plazo límite para formalizar la inscripción ó registro : 25 de Enero de 2010
Precio especial para el alumnado : sesenta euros (60€)
Los alumnos asistentes podrán beneficiarse de los créditos de libre disposición que adjudiquen los Decanos de cada Facultad.
En los datos de la inscripción deberá figurar, además de los datos personales, el curso y Facultad a la que pertenece el alumno.
La organización del Congreso velará por el control de asistencia y emitirá un informe a la ULPGC con la relación de alumnos que hayan asistido a las sesiones del Congreso.

IWEEE2010 al tiempo de hacer un gran esfuerzo logístico y económico, agradece la colaboración prestada por el Vicerrectorado y Decanos para la difusión de este acontecimiento.

Dr. José A. Caminero en IWEEE 2010

Dr. José A. Caminero es un neumólogo con 25 años de experiencia trabajando en el área de la tuberculosis. En los últimos 23 años ha trabajado en el departamento de Neumología del Hospital General de Gran Canaria "Dr. Negrín" (Las Palmas, Islas Canarias, España). Desde 1995 trabaja en la Unión Internacional Contra la Tuberculosis y Enfermedades Pulmonares ( La Unión, París, Francia ) y desde el 2003 es el coordinador de la unidad de la Tuberculosis resistente a múltiples drogas (MDR-TB) de esta organización.
El Dr. Caminero es miembro de la Green Light Commitee (Organización Mundial de la Salud) desde el año 2002. Entre los años 1994 y 1998 fue el presidente del comité científico de la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Toráxica (SEPAR).

El Dr. Caminero ha trabajado en distintas áreas de la TB (incluyendo VIH) en más de 50 países en vías de desarrollo, incluyendo Latinoamérica y otros como China, India, Filipinas, Pakistan, Egipto, Siria, Namibia y Sudáfrica, entre otros. Desde 1996 ha impartido muchos cursos sobre TB alrededor del mundo (en inglés y español), con énfasis en la gestión clínica. Ha publicado más de 150 artículos, más de 50 en publicaciones inglesas. Ha editado la guía para tuberculosis para especialistas médicos (La Unión, 2004) y otros cuatro libros asociados a la tuberculosis.
El Dr. José A. Caminero ha impartido más de 300 conferencias en congresos internacionales, así como ha recibido numerosos premios en distintas sociedades científicas.

El Sr. Alcalde de Las Palmas asistirá a IWEEE

El Ilustrísimo don Jerónimo Saavedra Acevedo, Alcalde de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ha confirmado su asistencia a IWEEE 2010. Nos sentimos honrados con la presencia de tan ilustre persona que respalda la importancia que tiene este Congreso.

Jerónimo Saavedra Acevedo (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, España, 3 de julio de 1936) es un político socialista español. Fue presidente del gobierno de Canarias de 1983 a 1987 y de 1991 a 1993, así como ministro de Administraciones Públicas (1993-1995) y ministro de Educación y Ciencia (1995-1996) de España. Desde 2007, merced a su victoria en los comicios municipales por mayoría absoluta, es alcalde de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Saavedra es doctor en Derecho y diplomado en administración de empresas.

Más información en : http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jer%C3%B3nimo_Saavedra

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Tim Cook at IWEEE 2010

We give a warm welcome to Tim Cook at IWEEE 2010 -

Tim Cook has a Master Degree in Health Informatics with Merit from the University of Central Lancashire, UK. He worked for the US Government in electronics and information systems for 22 years. He is an open source advocate since the late 1980s, and has been working in Research and Development on Open Source for Healthcare Information Systems over the last 15 years. He was the Inaugural winner of the LinuxMedNews Freedom Award in 2001. Currently he is an International Collaborator for the National Institute of Science and Technology – Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing in Brazil. Tim is one of the deviser's of the multi-level modeling approach for health information systems, and has developed specifications in an open format based on that model, and other applied solutions.

More info at: www.iweee.org

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Dr. Chris Larsen at IWEEE 2010

We are very happy to welcome Dr. Chris Larsen at IWEEE 2010

Dr. Chris Larsen is a medical doctor, with specialisations in tropical medicine and public health, and a Masters degree in infectious diseases. Chris has over 15 years of clinical and programme management experience in resource-limited settings in Asia, Africa and the Carribean, and has been a long-time free software lobbyist. In 2005, he founded synaLinQ Consulting in Vietnam, to assist those in need with sustainable development solutions outside major donor poltics, including knowledge network solutions. Chris is currently involved in designing and implementing biomedical equipment and laboratory quality management systems in both Africa and the Caribbean, and assists remote health centres and hospitals with off-grid access to electricty, water and information.

Chris' main interest is to help bridge the digital divide, which is not just provision of access to information technology, but a wholesome approach to informational and educational justice.

More info at: www.iweee.org

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Dr. Carlos Manuel Travieso-González at IWEEE 2010

We are happy to announce that Dr. Carlos Manuel Travieso-González will attend IWEEE 2010 -

Dr. Carlos Manuel Travieso-González was born in Gran Canaria (Spain). He received his M.Sc. degree in 1997 in Telecommunication Engineering at Polytechnic University of Catalonia and his Ph.D. in 2002 at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He is the Vice-Dean of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers and professor in the University of Las Palmas (ULPGC). His research lines are biometric systems, medical signal processing, classification systems, machine learning, environmental intelligence, and data mining. Dr Carlos Travieso has participated in over 20 International and Spanish Research Projects, some of them as head researcher. He has published over 140 papers published in international journals and conferences.

Dr. Carlos Travieso is involved in a telemedicine joint project with the University of Las Palmas, National University of Colombia and Universisty of Manizales, where they are doing telepathology in rural areas of Colombia.

More info at: www.iweee.org

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Mr. Raul Zambrano at IWEEE 2010

We are very honored to welcome Mr. Raul Zambrano at IWEEE 2010.

Raul Zambrano is a Senior Policy Advisor on ICT and Governance at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Democratic Governance practice based in New York. For the last 20 years, he has supported the deployment and use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in over 80 developing countries to foster development agendas, working with both national governments and civil society organizations. He is currently concentrating on e-governance policies and programmes that enhance public information and service delivery for the poor and promote e-participation.

He has also supported the use of Free/Open Source Software in developing countries since 1995. Before he joined UNDP in 1993, Mr. Zambrano worked in the academic sector in the US. He has a background in engineering, sociology, and economics.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Richard Stallman will be at IWEEE 2010 !

We are very happy to have Richard M. Stallman at IWEEE 2010.

No doubt that Richard Stallman is one of the most important and influential people in the history of Free Software. He has developed tools that we've been using for decades, such as the excellent GCC ( GNU Compiler Collection , at the beginning, the GNU C Compiler).

But Richard Stallman is way more than that. He created the GNU Operating System, that together with the Linux kernel is in all GNU/Linux variants ; he created the GPL license, and most importantly, he has been figthing for decades for free software, making it a reality today, when not that long ago it was utopia.

There is no doubt on my mind that Richard Stallman will be a key player to help us who are working to introduce the free software philosophy  to the healthcare industry. Health MUST be universal, and so should be the software that takes care of the patients. Free software in healthcare is a right that every doctor, hospital and patient should have access.

We are looking forward to sharing with Richard his experiences, views and opinions on how to keep introducing Free Software in the healthcare and schools in the developing world.

More info at : http://www.iweee.org

Luis Falcón
GNU Solidario Project

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Professor S. Yunkap Kwankam at IWEEE 2010

We are honored to have Professor S. Yunkap Kwankam at IWEEE 2010

S. Yunkap Kwankam is CEO of Global eHealth Consultants, a Swiss consulting firm based in Geneva. He is also Executive Director of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH). From 2004 until August 2008 he was Coordinator eHealth, at the World Health Organization Headquarters in Geneva, where he was responsible for overall coordination of eHealth work across the Organization. In this role, he oversaw a number of WHO programs on the use of ICT in health. His work covered issues such as development of appropriate frameworks and tools to support policy and practice improvements in ICT-based knowledge management and sharing in countries; creation of, and support to, networks to assist countries in building national capacity for effective and efficient use of ICT in their health systems; and development of the evidence base and best practices in the area. He also directed the development of new policies and their implementation and provides authoritative advice in relation to policy and procedures as they relate to eHealth [...]

For more info: www.iweee.org

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

IWEEE 2010 - What's On in Gran Canaria

IWEEE 2010 will give you the opportunity to discover Gran Canaria, its culture, history and entertainment.

Gran Canaria has become a cosmopolitan island with numerous cultural events throughout the year, including international music, dance, theatre and cinema festivals and the many carnival celebrations, plus a long list of festive activities and religious feasts that take place all over the island. As the inhabitants of the Canary Islands are deeply devoted to tradition, the origin of some of these fiestas goes back as far as Guanche times [...]

[...] Besides much entertainment and fun for young and old, these fiestas always offer a full programme of traditional activities, folklore performances, sporting events, such as lucha canaria wrestling and stick fighting competitions, and much more.

With all these fiestas happening around the island, you’d be very unlucky if you didn’t come across at least one or two while touring the island [...]

References and more info:


martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

IWEEE 2010 - Welcome to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria!

IWEEE 2010 will be held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

When you'll attend IWEEE 2010, you will be able to discover Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and all its beauty.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria commonly known as Las Palmas is the capital (jointly with Santa Cruz) and the most populous city in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands and the ninth largest city in Spain, with a population of 381,123 in 2008 [...] It is also the fifth most populous urban area in Spain with a population of around 700,000[1] and (depending on sources) ninth or tenth most populous metropolitan area in Spain with a population of 625,892[2], 640,000[3] or 741,826[4]. Las Palmas is the largest city of the European Union outside Europe. Located in the northeast of the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, about 150 kilometers (~93 miles) off the northwestern coast of Africa[5] within the Atlantic Ocean.

Las Palmas enjoy a Subtropical climate, season with the summer temperatures lasts throughout the year. According to a study carried out by Thomas Whitmore, director of research on climatology at Syracuse University in United States, the Las Palmas enjoys "the best climate in the world".[6]

References and more info:


lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Dr. O.Ferrer-Roca at IWEEE 2010

We are very happy to welcome Dr. O.Ferrer-Roca at IWEEE 2010.

Dr. O.Ferrer-Roca MD. PhD. Born in Barcelona, studied Medicine in the Central University of Barcelona from 1966-1972 with Honors. Got the PhD with “Cariotyping and tissue culture of tumors” in 1974 with Honors. Specialized in Pathology in 1974 being trained in Paris, Milwakee-USA and London.

Working as pathologist in the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona since 1972 got the Assistance Professorship in Pathology in 1974 and the Chair of Pathology of the University of La Laguna in 1982 [...]

Founded the CATAI association in 1993, being the president since then. Got the UNESCO Chair of Telemedicine in 1999 for the University of La Laguna. Since 1996 train on Telemedicine the students of medicine and Computer Science, creating the European Master of Telemedicine and Bioengineering applied to Telemedicine in 2004, at distance [...]

More info at:www.iweee.org

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

Mr. Lemoene Smit at IWEEE 2010

We are glad to announce that Mr. Lemoene Smit will attend IWEEE 2010.

Lemoene Smit holds B Sc Physics / Applied Maths degrees. Lemoene is the Project Manager and LIMS Analyst at Bika Lab Systems. He is the Director Bika Health Foundation.

Lemoene has 25 Years experience in IT, mostly at scientific institutions such as the CSIR’s Magnetic Observatory, Namibian dept Water Affairs laboratory, in oil exploration at Petrosa and at Bika lab systems. In the commercial sector amongst others at Media24 and Barings Amsterdam [...]

More info at: www.iweee.org

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

Thomas Karopka at IWEEE 2010

We are very pleased to announce that Thomas Karopka will be attending IWEEE 2010.

Thomas Karopka has more than 15 years of experience in ICT. After 10 years in the telecomunication industry in different positions he became a researcher at the Medical Faculty of the University of Rostock where he worked in bioinformatics for 5 years. Since 2007 he works for the IT Science Center Rügen gGmbH, a non profit company that works as a knowledge transfer center in informatics for the Universities of the State Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, where he is responsible for the health care sector.

He is currently chair of the European Federation for Medical Informatics Libre/Free Open Source Working Group (EFMI LIFOSS WG) and vice-chair of the International Medical Informatics Association Open Source Working Group (IMIA OS WG).

More info at: www.iweee.org

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Ans de Jager at IWEEE 2010

Ans de Jager
holds master degrees in psychology and cultural anthropology; she has more that 15 years of experience in development work in South and Central America, Africa, the Balkans and other regions.

Ans has developed, managed and evaluated a range of different programmes in the areas of primary health care, education, disaster preparedness and child protection. She currently lives in Uganda and holds the position deputy country director for War Child Holland, an international NGO. Among other interventions Ans manages a project in rural Northern Uganda, involving youth affected by conflict in ICT and new media, to enhance their education levels, provide a wide range of services and information to the community and bridge the digital divide [...]

More info at: www.iweee.org

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Registration is Open

Registration: http://www.iweee.org/2010/registration.html

For more information about the event: www.iweee.org

Dr. Moses Isyagi at IWEEE 2010

Dr. Moses Isyagi is a Senior Lecturer at Kigali Health Institute, Department of Dentistry, Kigali, Rwanda. Prior to this he was a lecturer in the Department of Dentistry, School of Allied Health Sciences, Makerere University College of health Sciences, Kampala Uganda [...] His interests are E-pathology especially in resource constrained health care settings and the use of IT in teaching in similar environments, oral pathology and managerial issues.

More info at: www.iweee.org

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

IWEEE 2010 : Event program

We already have the preliminary program for IWEEE 2010.

Check the homepage at  www.iweee.org
Luis Falcon

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Medical is finalist in 2009 Sourceforge Community Awards

I'm very pleased to announce that Medical, the universal Health Information System, is finalist on Sourceforge 2009 Community Awards.

With over 47,000 nominations, the community has chosen 85 finalists in 12 categories. Medical is among the best 10 projects this year for government.

This is very exciting and rewarding. To be among the 10 best projects (sharing the space with projects like Open Office) shows the recognition from the community to humanitarian projects like Medical, and positions open source in health sector, an area limited to proprietary vendors until now.

I would like to extend my gratitude to all the scientists and doctors that are working on the project (from Argentina, Belgium, India, Indonesia, Germany, USA, Uruguay... ) and to all of you who have trust our project by using it, voting it or letting others know that such project exists.

We have a couple of weeks now to make the choice for the winner, so please go to and vote for Medical in the Best project for Government.

vote now

Thanks again and congratulations to all of you that made this happen. We'll see you at OSCON 2009 (San Jose, California, July 20-24 ) !
Luis Falcon

About Medical

Medical is an open source project with the goal of providing a universal Health Information System, where health professionals and institutions around the world can benefit from it, independently of their economic status.

Medical optimizes collaboration among health professionals, makin emphasis in Primary Care and Family medicine. It makes use of industry standards (ICD-10), which proportionante the basis for epidemiological studies.

Medical has been designed with scalability in mind. It can deal with millions of patients. Any country or NGO can evaluate their habitants conditions, both from the clinical and the socio-economic / sanitary point of view. This helps to early detect hot-spots, disease vectors and epidemics, specially in developing countries.

Doctors, nurses, computer scientist and sociologist from countries like Argentina, Germany, Uruguay, Spain, Belgium, France, United States, India or Indonesia are actively working together to make medical a reference point in medical informatics.

More Info : http://www.thymbra.com/en/solutions/health

Medical Project at Sourceforge : http://medical.sourceforge.net

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009

Sustainable collaborations in healthcare open source software

There will be a workshop in Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) at Med-e-Tel. The focus in this workshop is on collaboration between different FLOSS-HC projects. There will be an introductory part in the morning followed by a session about development issues and a session about sustainable support services in the afternoon session. For more information please have a look at the educational program on the Med-e-Tel website.